The Benefits Of Using Franking Machines For Post Office Visitors

A franking machine is a device that weighs and prints an imprint postage, instead of the stamp on an envelope or on a label. And these are the common features of all franking machines. Franking machines have a number of advantages, reviewed below.

The benefits of using a franking machine

  1. The foremost advantage of franking machines is economical: the device freed the mail at the best price and removed the over-postage.
  2. The second important advantage of franking machines is cost reduction:
    • Related to postage: Postage cheaper mail by taking advantage of postal rates specific
    • Related to labor: collage of stamps and travel to the post office.
  3. The third benefit is time saving. They allow to process letters and mailings faster; avoids waiting in the post office.
  4. The fourth, but sometimes considered as the biggest benefit of using a franking machine is its additional value to the brand. It enhances the brand image of the company: thanks to the mail advertising flame more professional.
  5. And the practical one, IASP management: return assured.

How a franking machine exploits its benefits

The franking machine is a machine that prints at the same time the drawing of a stamp with the price and the stamp bearing the date and time of departure. This system works by means of a subscription.

The machine can directly frank the envelopes or a strip of sticky paper to stick on the envelope – a useful system for packages.

The use of franking machines is cost-effective and profitable from a minimum of fifteen shipments per day. This is a simple solution, allowing save time and money.

The other benefits of franking machines for the user of the postal services are as follows:

  • You will never buy stamps at the post office. Postage is indeed much faster than with conventional stamps.
  • This saves you valuable hours of work. “Excursions” at the post office become more and more rare: your machine is loaded online, which means an additional time saving.
  • You will have more time to devote to your work. With a franking machine, franking is much faster than with stamps.
  • The machine weighs your shipments and clears them immediately to the correct amount. All postal rates are stored in the machine. Your postage will not cost you a cent too much. It’s easy and the postage is always correct.
  • You will have the choice between Prior and Non Prior: you will save up to 12% on your expenses postage. Your letters do not all have the same urgent character. That’s why, with a machine to franking, you will always have the choice between Prior and Non-Prior. You will save up to 12% on your shipping costs!
  • A professional partner. A postage stamp gives your shipments and your company a stamp professional. In addition, you have the possibility to print a personalized illustration to side of the postage value.
  • You control your shipping costs. With a postage meter, your shipping costs are perfectly under control. Indeed, the machine gives you a clear overview of all postage (denominated by fresh).
  • Access to the machine is secured by a PIN code or a smart card.

The disadvantages of franking machine

The inconveniences and peculiarities of franking machines should mainly be considered by the post office workers, not their clients.

The designated operators may themselves use or authorize the use of postage meters reproducing on consignments the indications of the country of origin and the postage value as well as the place of origin and the filing date. However, these last two indications are not obligatory.

For franking machines used by the designated operators themselves, the indication of the postage value may be replaced by a statement that the postage has been paid, e.g. “tax collected”.

The impressions produced by the franking machines must, in principle, are bright red color. However, the designated operators may allow the impressions produced by the franking machines to be of a different color. Footprints advertising flames that could be used with postage meters can also be produced in a color other than red.

The indications of the country and the place of origin must appear in Latin characters, possibly supplemented by the same indications in other characters. The value postage must be indicated in Arabic numerals.